포도씨 추출물 백혈병 세포 죽이는 성분 | |
美,쥐실험 24시간내 암세포 76% 박멸해 | |
미국 켄터키 대학 독성학 연구센터의 스 샹린 박사는 포도씨 추출물이 백혈병 세포의 세포사멸(apoptosis)을 유도한다는 사실을 밝혀냈다. 스 박사는 백혈병 세포를 포도씨 추출물에 노출시킨 결과 24시간 안에 암세포의 76%가 세포사멸에 의해 죽고 정상세포는 아무런 영향을 받지 않았다고 밝혔다.포도씨 추출물의 양을 달리하면서 백혈병 세포를 노출시킨 결과 포도씨 추출물의 양이 많을수록 백혈병 세포가 더 많이 죽었다. | |
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스 박사는 포도씨 추출물이 세포사멸을 유도하는 JNK라는 단백질을 활성화시킨다는 사실이 밝혀졌다면서 이 단백질을 억제하는 물질에 백혈병 세포를 노출시켰을 때는 포도씨 추출물도 소용이 없었다고 밝혔다. 또 JNK단백질을 만드는 유전자의 활동을 차단하자 역시 포도씨 추출물의 항암효과가 나타나지 않았다.포도씨 추출물에는 항암성분으로 알려진 레스베라트롤을 포함, 많은 항산화 물질이 들어있다. 지금까지 시험관 실험에서 포도씨 추출물이 피부암, 유방암, 대장암, 폐암, 위암, 전립선암 세포를 억제하는 것으로 나타났으나 백혈병 같은 혈액암에도 이러한 효과가 있는 것으로 밝혀진 것은 이번이 처음이다. 이 연구결과는 백혈병의 새로운 치료법 개발 가능성을 열어줄 것이지만 당장 암 예방을 위해 포도를 먹으라고 권하기는 시기상조라고 스 박사는 덧붙였다. <기사원문> Grape extract kills cancer cells
An extract from grape seeds can destroy cancer cells, US research suggests. In lab experiments, scientists found that the extract stimulated leukaemia cells to commit suicide. Within 24 hours, 76% of leukaemia cells exposed to the extract were killed off, while healthy cells were unharmed, Clinical Cancer Research reports. The study raises the possibility of new cancer treatments, but scientists said it was too early to recommend that people eat grapes to ward off cancer. Grape seeds contain a number of antioxidants, including resveratrol, which is known to have anti-cancer properties, as well as positive effect on the heart. Previous research has shown grapeseed extract has an effect on skin, breast, bowel, lung, stomach and prostate cancer cells in the laboratory. It can also reduce the size of breast tumours in rats and skin tumours in mice. However, the University of Kentucky study is the first to test its impact on a blood cancer. Lead researcher Professor Xianglin Shi said: "These results could have implications for the incorporation of agents such as grapeseed extract into prevention or treatment of haematological (blood) malignancies and possibly other cancers. "What everyone seeks is an agent that has an effect on cancer cells but leaves normal cells alone, and this shows that grapeseed extract fits into this category." The researchers exposed leukaemia cells to grape extract in a range of different doses. Apoptosis One of the higher doses produced a marked effect, causing large numbers of the cells to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis. This is a natural method of getting rid of damaged and potentially dangerous cells. When the mechanism behind apoptosis breaks down, cancerous cells can survive and multiply. The researchers found grapeseed extract activates a protein called JNK which helps to regulate apoptosis. When they exposed the leukaemia cells to an agent that inhibits JNK, the grapeseed extract effect was cancelled out. Silencing the gene that makes JNK also blocked the extract's ability to kill cancer cells. Kat Arney, Cancer Research UK's senior cancer information officer, warned against jumping to firm conclusions. She said: "This is yet another story highlighting the potential cancer-fighting properties of naturally-occurring chemicals. "Although interesting, it's still a long way from being a treatment that we can give to patients." | |
메디코파마뉴스/데일리엠디 김종필기자 (jp1122@nate.com) | |
기사 입력시간 : 2009-01-05 오전 10:32:12 |
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